> What personal hygiene considerations will be expected? - Copper Cannon Camp - FREE New Hampshire Summer Camp!

What personal hygiene considerations will be expected?

Increased hand disinfectant protocols will be implemented for everyone on-site. Campers and staff will be expected to wash or sanitize hands before and after each of the following: activity periods, meal/snack times, restroom use, and coming into contact with high-touch items.  If a child is allergic to over-the-counter hand sanitizer, parents/guardians must provide the hand sanitizer used by their camper.

Bathhouses will be assigned to different cohorts and will only be used by that cohort.

Sharing of personal items is highly discouraged for both campers and staff.  Personal toiletries will be stored separately to reduce the risk of cross contamination. All campers and staff will be required to carry a personal water bottle throughout the day.

Copper Cannon Camp - FREE New Hampshire Summer Camp!