> Camper and Staff Alumni of Copper Cannon Camp


It is always bittersweet to see campers move on from our programs. As much as we miss them, we cannot help but be excited for them to start the next chapters of their lives as Copper Cannon alumni. Just because you are not at camp anymore does not mean that you are not a part of what happens here. You are forever a part of the Copper Cannon family, whether you’ve come up the hill one time or a hundred.

All too often, we lose touch with alumni. They are all busy leading their incredible lives and we start looking ahead to the next summer. We would love to correct this and stay connected, or reconnect, with our alumni to help spread our mission, relive those magical summers spent at camp, and just know what everyone is up to.

If you are a Copper Cannon alumni, we want to hear from you! Please reach out to alumni@coppercannon.org with any pictures and stories from camp or what you have been up to since! You can fill out the form below as well.

We Want To Hear From You

If you are a former camper or staff, we want to stay in touch with you! We would be delighted to hear your stories and see any pictures you may have.

How To Stay Connected

Follow us on Facebook – Our Facebook page is updated regularly and includes all sorts of information including current events at camp, throwback photos, a chance to chat and reconnect and much more.cats

Follow us on Instagram – Our Instagram account gives live updates from camp. If you want to see what is going on at camp in real time, follow our Instagram!

Contact Us – Use this form for anything and everything you need to better stay connected with Copper Cannon Camp. We would love to hear from you! You can share your contact info as well as stories and pictures.

Come Visit – We are always open to alumni who want to come back and visit! We will be happy to give you a tour so you can see how camp has evolved over time. Please fill out the Contact Us form or get in touch with us at alumni@coppercannon.org, or call at (603) 823-8107 to set up a visit!

Browse the Site – Our website is chock-full of all sorts of information and media about Copper Cannon. If you are an alumni visiting the site, some pages that might be of interest to you include our Newsletter, History, Videos and many more! Browse to your heart’s content.

Fill out our survey – Filling out our survey helps us to keep you up to date on all things Copper Cannon Camp

Alumni Survey


A Chance To Give Back

Copper Cannon remains a free camp to campers and their families, even after 61 years. But that doesn’t mean it’s an entirely free camp to everyone. The funding has to come from somewhere. There are plenty of ways to  give back at Copper Cannon. You can make a donation, attend events or volunteer. 

Fund a Camper 

Copper Cannon Camp